Keel helps stabilize the relationship your organization and your professionals have with each other.

Whole-Person, Whole-Organization Assessment  

Keel’s assessment is specifically developed for healthcare professionals and is rooted in social and behavioral science. Knowing what drives, influences, or concerns your people is critical to any organization’s journey to high performance. Organizations should strive to understand their people at the deepest level possible. We help you do that.

In-Depth Understanding

Keel turns your assessment data into actionable information for you, your team, and your organization. We know that individuals, team, and organizations all have different goals, strengths, and opportunities for improvement. Keel help you determine the right plan for you. All while maintaining personal privacy and security.

Organizational, Team, and Individual Support and Coaching

Every organization, team, and person engages in a unique way. Keel provides resources, tools, and personalized coaching specifically tailored for healthcare organizations, managers, and professionals. We promise to meet you where you are and Keel is committed to your success.

If you believe your organization, your team, or you can benefit from Keel…